A.WA.RE – Research

Research activities investigated both practical solutions for specific application domains (Visual Analytics for) and theoretical aspects of Visual Analytics (Visual Analytics by).

Visualization for:

Network Medicine

A.WA.RE group provided ad-hoc Visual Analytics Solutions for the Network Medicine analysis connecting together genes, disease and drugs.

Cyber Security

A.WA.RE research group is actively working on ad-hoc Visual Analytics Solutions for network monitoring, vulnerability analysis, malware detection, and security profile management.

Visualization by:

Visual Quality Metrics

A.WA.RE researchers worked on the definition and systematization of visual quality metrics, providing a general classification of both kinds of metrics and usage purposes. A distinguishing approach was the definition of Feature Preservation Metrics, that allow for evaluating and improving in a novel way the effectiveness of basic Infovis techniques.

Progressive Visual Analytics

Currently, A.WA.RE researchers are working on the emerging Progressive Visual Analytics field, providing contributes for both theoretical and practical aspects.